The V.I.R.A.L. Series

Imagine a world much like our own where the inhabitants all know their place.  Imagine a world where the denizens have discovered the 'code' that makes up their universe and all the worlds within it.  You would imagine it was a peaceful place where balance reigned and everyone did their part.  You would imagine wrongly.

Welcome to the worlds of Veracity, Avalon and Retra and all the lesser worlds that surround them.  Somewhere, within some vast universe-network of code, the persons of the VIRAL universe live to be a part of the world they occupy.  Day in and day out they do their job and hope that the perfect perpetual algorhythm can be reached for all.  For some, their job is to remove the parts that try to unbalance the system.  In Veracity, entire corportations are built to combat the Virus threat, armed with the best technology to take down strands and roots wherever they arise.  In Avalon orders of knights and magi are formed to drive back hordes of Viral beasts which lurk at the edges of their society.  In Retra the factions of the Ensorcelled and the Mechanised hold at bay the few tough Virus roots which are still able to persist.

All is not well for any of them.